PASTOR Matt Harrison

Matt Harrison is a PASTOR first and foremost:

He has experience of over one decade as a parish pastor, including a rural congregation and an inner-city congregation with a school.

Rev. Harrison brings a scholarly background that includes an STM with a thesis on the theology of Herman Sasse.

He writes prolifically. His published works demonstrate remarkable theological gravitas. He’s written and edited numerous books on everything from the doctrine of the Office of Holy Ministry to Christian charity in the ancient and modern church. He’s also authored pamphlets and magazine articles for lay readers. He’s a popular keynote speaker at Lutheran functions, from youth gatherings to scholarly symposia.

He’s translated dozens of works by Chemnitz, Sasse, Loescher, Hoeppl, and other theologians. His well-loved translation of Gerhard’s Meditations on Divine Mercy is one such highlight. Served the LCMS at the circuit, district, and synodical level.

He spent a year as a missionary to a remote Cree Indian village 100 miles past the end of the road in northwest Ontario, Canada.

He oversaw his church’s inner-city parochial school with a classical curriculum. That school was upheld as a model in a profile in the Wall Street Journal for overcoming numerous obstacles.

He oversaw 25 field work students from the seminary while serving numerous seminary professors as their pastor.

Won’t you join us in supporting Pastor Matt Harrison for President of the LCMS?

One Response to PASTOR Matt Harrison

  1. Uwe Siemon-Netto says:

    I’m with you. Uwe

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